Today my teacher, Ameen, took me to the fish market for lunch … instead of class. I think he had to take Rebecca and Allan from the British Yemeni Society for some reason. And I got invited too. We headed to the fish souq in the Buleyli area.
We bought the fish in one shop, had it cooked in a second and ate at a third … weird. It is normal to buy the fish in one shop and have it cooked and consumed at a second. So I’m not sure why we moved on to the third.
Fish is normally grilled or baked either in a very hot oven or a pit oven (like a tandoor). There’s another style which I’ve had before … where the fish is cooked with sauce in a pot made from aluminium or sometimes a stone-like substance with a powdery feel … like asbestos??? [Edit: I learnt many years later it could be soapstone.]
As expected, the fish and bread were both delicious. Yes, even at 7000 ft and about 5 hours inland (by road) we still enjoy good quality seafood from time to time in Sanaa. But it was the experience that made it special. I had already had my quarter chicken for lunch, so I was rather stuffed after my second lunch!
Today seems to be a day of treats. Kristina and Natalia made dinner of pancake and was kind enough to share it with me.
- My window in the morning.
- Fish shop in Buleyli.
- Fish restaurant.
- Cooking fish in a tandoor.
- Cooking fish in a tandoor.
- Cooking fish in sauce.
- Cooking fish in an oven.
- Yemeni bread is the best!
- Friendly green grocer.
- Cheese.
- On the street.
- In the hostel kitchen.