I woke around 0400, perhaps? I didn’t check my watch. I dozed till 0630 then got up. Checking my emails, I found that Qantas had a good sale for next year. Even better, they had the sale prices available for my Easter 2017 trip to see crucifixions in the Philippines. I spent an hour on my tiny phone screen evaluating options and finally succeeded in making a booking. I could have flown AirAsia but it was more circuitous. I had other options on staff tickets but it would have been about 75% of the price anyway.
Breakfast was greasy fried rice, fried noodles, fried eggs, fried bananas and pancakes. I had a little of some of the items. I tried to investigate the dive centre here. Their board suggested that had a trip to Sangalaki and Kakaban tomorrow. The dive master indicate there wasn’t. Their prices were already high but I think they want to make the most out of every customer.
I met Simon & Karen back at Danakan at 0900. Pricing wasn’t too different from what had been suggested last night. However, they said we should be able to join a Japanese group of six for Kakaban. Their schedule was TBC though. Back at the hotel, I tried to go for a swim. The sun rises early here and I was drenched with sweat already. Sadly the tide was low and it wasn’t too appealing. So I settled for a shower and did some admin in the room till lunch time.
Lunch was ayam lalapan again. At least, there’s some protein in it compared to nasi or mi goreng. The tide was till low after lunch and the sky was very dark.
I did admin and bank reconciliations in the afternoon and met the Dutch back at Danakan at 1600. There was still no news from the Japanese group regarding Kakaban. We met back once again dinner time in vain. After dinner, we rang the Icuk (the 2IC) at Danakan as the boss Kedek was away. His phone was off. We were running out of time.
We investigated Manta Dive Centre and all was good until they couldn’t find a dive guide (probably means a dive master that isn’t licensed). We rushed to Osland’s Derawan Ocean Divers nearby.
He was reluctant to go tomorrow as there had been no prep done with gear, tanks and boat. We said that with just two dives, we could go later. We agreed on a 10 am departure from my hotel’s pier due to low tide.
I was relieved to have finally resolved my trip to Kakaban to see the jellyfish and do some dives there.
- Derawan is a laid back kampung island off the northeast of Kalimantan.
- Derawan is a laid back kampung island off the northeast of Kalimantan.
- Derawan is a laid back kampung island off the northeast of Kalimantan.
- Derawan is a laid back kampung island off the northeast of Kalimantan.
- My accommodation is a semi-detached chalet.