The forecast was for rain today. It didn’t look promising when I woke up very early. But by around 0700 things cheered up; I gotta remember that I am waking up very early and the clouds can burn off.
I cycled south this time to Scout Park which came highly recommended. The headwind was awfully strong and I was pleased when the road turned somewhat at a right angle due to the shape of the island. Scout Park was OK as a swimming beach but I continued to the end of the road where an even better spot was available. The sand was white and the sea clear and aqua. The water was a bit low but it was so beautiful it didn’t matter.
I cycled back looking forward to a tail wind to help me along but all I got was crosswind. I got back at 1000 with so much of the day left to kill. And kill it I must as the weather turned nasty with rain and wind.
There wasn’t anything I could do outside till late afternoon when I went for a brief ride again. I had hoped to see large groups of crabs but I wasn’t so lucky. There were quite a few but they were also very elusive. They can sense humans coming from quite a distance.
I checked out the “Club” next to the airport. Being a bar/pub, I expected some meals but nope. I had to eat at the hotel restaurant Tropika for AUD33. Tonight was roast dinner. I had hoped for the Malay/Western buffet which is available everynight except Sunday. Damn!
- Around West Island.
- Green patch on the road on West Island.
- South end of West Island near Scout Park.
- South end of West Island near Scout Park.
- My lunch of tuna, diced tomatoes and beans.
- A small congregation of crabs.
- Big juicy claw on a crab.
- A small congregation of crabs.