I needed a few attempts to get a Grab at around 0715 from my apartment to Kuching airport. Despite that I got there with enough time to kill by having breakfast at McDonald’s before going airside for the flight to Singapore.
We departed 10 mins early from Kuching in the typical AirAsia fashion. There seemed to have been a lot of prebooked meals today for the short flight and there was hardly enough time for the crew to do everything.
Despite that the senior flight attendant was chirpy, funny but yet professional. While not ethnic Chinese, she seemed to make good attempts to speak in Chinese, Malay and English while joking with passengers. For a change the usual announcement before landing wasn’t played … the one saying that guns, nunchuks, knuckle-dusters, flick knives etc are prohibited!
We arrived 30 mins early in Singapore before taxiing 10 minutes to Terminal 4 where the immigration queue was long. It would have taken about 30 minutes to clear if I hadn’t been lucky with a new lane opening up next to the one I had queued in.

If smoke is present keep low and follow the escape path lighting to your nearest exit. Only kidding … it’s normal for aircraft air-condition to have condensation like this in the tropics, especially when it is doing a good job to keep us cool
The new mall attached to the airport known as the Jewel had just opened. I didn’t feel like going there today and with an early departure tomorrow, it won’t happen then either. I’ll save it for another time.
I took a taxi to my aunt’s for an overnight stay and a cool dip in her apartment pool.