I had my last hotel meal this morning after my yoga practice. I didn’t finish the fried beehoon as it was too much for me, as with most of their breakfasts.
A few minutes before 1000 today, I walked out of Room 1109 of the Harbour View Hotel. Freedom at last! I had been told that I could checkout at 1000. So I didn’t want to be late!
Down at reception I was amongst the first. As I went through the process towards freedom, the queue built up.
I had to see four lots of people, and at each stage the form was signed off:
- The first person gave me a check-list of tasks to be signed-off.
- Secondly, I went to the hotel reception to settle my bill which was NIL; it was more for people who had ordered room service.
- Third, I had my Release Order signed by the Ministry of Health.
- Fourth, I had my blue wrist-band cut off. I had to video this process.
I didn’t have to go to the police counter whereas some people did. I suspect they were foreigners.
All that took about fifteen minutes but it would have been much longer if I had had to queue. My brother rang to say that he was here. Perfect timing.
I ventured out into the big-wide non-aircon world of 33 degC and 95% humidity. We loaded my luggage into the car and walked around the corner for brunch.
Back at the apartment complex, I went to see Mum briefly. She said I look very handsome because I”m so white (after the Kiwi winter and no sun indoors for two weeks). Yes, it is a very typical Asian parent thing to want their children to be light-skinned.
I went back to my apartment to unpack. This time I’ll make myself settled. My usual stay is only 10 days, which is shorter than my quarantine. This time I think it will be 2-3 months.
I’m not sure how I will cope. Everything seems harder in Kuching. The traffic, parking, heat, etc. But I have to be here for family.
In the evening, Mum’s helper prepared a delicious meal. It was Nasi Uduk with Ayam Serundeng. The chicken had been boiled with grated coconut until the oil from the chicken and coconut starts to ooze out. She then pressed the oil out to leave a dry dish. The oil can be kept for use in other cooking. It was so so delicious!
Today should have been my sweet taste of freedom. But it was more spicy and savoury.