Warwick & Leamington

11 July 2024

Above:  Warwick Castle.  

We had a relaxed day with a trip to Leamington Spa, an old spa town not far away.

En route, we took a look at Warwick Castle from outside its walls as parking was a hassle.  And I wasn’t interested enough to pay for the entrance ticket.

Parking in the UK is a nightmare even in residential areas where roads are narrow and not designed for kerbside parking.  Instead, people park partially on the kerb.

Apart from supermarket areas, parking in even the smaller urban areas required pay-and-display.

As for Leamington Spa, apart from the old pump room of the spa which now serves as a mini-museum and library.  We were curious as to whether the spring water was hot or cold but no one could clarify.  Basically, the place was just a lovely high street town centre.

As Greggs there had all their available seating taken, we went to a nice café called Cinda’s Kitchen and shared their Mega Breakfast.  It had two pieces of bacon, egg, sausages and enough mushrooms, baked beans and black pudding to share.

We finished the day and our stay with a Korean BBQ dinner supplemented with some Korean fried chicken and a kimchi tofu soup.

We slept early tonight in consideration of the fact that Joanne was flying to Los Angeles and had to get ready about the same time as us.  There’s only one bathroom in the house for the four of us.

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