Durbar Square after the quake

After five nights in Kathmandu, we still hadn’t walked around Durbar Square yet. The weather was dull but dry so we made our way there after dropping laundry off (NPR50 per kg) and having breakfast. The destruction at Durbar Square was really bad. Key stupas are gone; the wooden structures have fallen leaving leaving behind […]

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Patan (aka Lalitpur)

Having experienced a taste of the monsoon yesterday afternoon, we decided to repeat our early start in case the afternoon was wet and gloomy. We taxied to Patan (Lalitpur) which we didn’t visit last time. The taxi dropped us at the north end of Durbar square and where the ticket kiosk wasn’t (it just happened […]

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Cremation pyres and a big stupa

We set the alarm for 0615 and got going early for Pashupatinath, which we reached by taxi. We got dropped off before the stalls of trinkets and flowers which were aimed mainly at local devotees. We walked to the main temple area into which we weren’t admissible (but we knew that). We found our way […]

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Bhaktapur & Swayambunath

We woke at 0630 and were slow to get ourselves ready. After yesterday’s slow service at breakfast in the hotel, we decided to eat out. We found a garden courtyard not far away which served up the morning spread slightly more promptly. Nevertheless it was about 0830 by the time we set off for Bhaktapur. […]

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Assessing the damage by daylight

Breakfast in the hotel ground-floor courtyard was painfully slow. We walked to Thamel thereafter. The shops were a mix of hiking apparel/gear, souvenirs and cafes. During the walk, we saw a few of vacant lots with signs of destruction. All but one could have been interpreted as normal construction or demolition in a third world […]

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Preponed travel

We woke early to pack and tidy up the apartment before heading to see Mum at 0915 to discuss some family matters before my brother took us to the airport at 0945. AirAsia’s bagdrop was quick and painless today and we managed to get some time and a laksa in the lounge. Our flight to […]

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Around old town

Today we took the boat (tambang) across the river into old town Kuching for a walk.  I do this often enough in order to get errands done but Kim doesn’t get here so much. So it was somewhat of an experience on the boat, and a walk down memory lane in old town.  

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Dentist for peanuts

Last trip back in April, I had been to the government polyclinic for a dental check-up which cost me a MYR1 (USD0.26) registration fee.  They were ultra-comprehensive in marking down the condition of all teeth and the work required.  They booked me an apppointment three months later which timed well with this visit. Today I […]

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It’s only an hour from my apartment to the Semenggoh Wildlife Centre where they rehabilitate rescued orangutans.  As Kim doesn’t get to Kuching often, I took him there.  As the apes roam the forest, sightings are not guaranteed especially during the fruiting season when they do not turn up for supplementary feeding.  

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Home for Raya

I set the alarm for an early wake-up and went to the gym. Hotel gyms aren’t that great but it’s better than nothing. We had gotten sweet-talked into the buffet breakfast by the hotel receptionist at check-in. It was MYR35 instead of MYR50. The spread at the poolside terrace cafe was a very comprehensive selection […]

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