Blue Mountains

I had a bad night sleep feeling a little sweaty. The body wash I had used earlier (not my own), had over-moisturised me and I was very uncomfortable in bed with thick bedding. I went out to get some fruit and milk and made a breakfast with muesli. An old friend Gabriel invited us to […]

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Jetting to the big smoke

My flight from Townsville to Sydney departs 1320 which meant a shuttle pickup at 1145. That suited well as the hostel check out was 1000. It allowed me to chill a bit in between checking out and leaving. I waited outside the hostel at 1130. A little after the scheduled pickup time, I saw a […]

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Lazy day

I treated myself to waking up without an alarm. It was around 0800 when I got out of bed. I needed milk and fruit and refused to pay extortionate prices from the convenience store, so went to the supermarket which wasn’t far from the convenience store anyway. I decided to buy stuff to make lunch […]

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Diving the SS Yongala

I set the alarm for 0640 so I could prepare for my dive day in a relaxed manner, without having to fight for the shared bathrooms. Apart from throwing up after both dives, it was a great dive day.  SS Yongala is rated amongst the best wreck dives around and I wasn’t disappointed.  You can […]

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SS Yongala

Introduction I dived the SS Yongala with Yongala Dive Centre based in Alva, near Ayr. Alva is about 1h20 minutes south from Townsille. I stayed at their pleasant dive lodge the night before the dive. It is possible to dive the Yongala from Townsville but the commute by sea is quite long and it makes it […]

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Down to the dive lodge

I have to make my way down to Alva today for my dive tomorrow. I had investigated the buses and trains but their schedules don’t work for me. And they’re pricey too. I worked it out that I could hire a car for one day from Avis, and with the 59 minute grace period, I […]

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Exploring Townsville & Magnetic Island

My first impression of Reef Lodge as a clean, well-run placed was confirmed when I wandered around the premises in the morning. It had a nice garden courtyard. Rules are on the tough side of fair but it keeps the riff-raff in check. I needed breakfast and wandered out. Nothing much was open. The supermarket […]

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To Australia’s winterless north

Arrival formalities into Oz was quick today. The Qantas domestic bagdrop at the international terminal was closed so I bused over to domestic with luggage in tow on a very full bus. Nearly no one wanted to get off at domestic meaning that I had to squeeze past everyone with my pack. Talking to someone, […]

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Leaving home

Today I escape the Kiwi winter on a trip that will see me re-visiting some places that I enjoyed, plus a foray into a continent I have little experience in:  Africa.  But first up, it’s Australia.  To be specific, Queensland’s winterless north. I did my bag-drop at the airport nearly 4h before departure because we […]

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Arrive home

I set the alarm for 0630 in order to have breakfast at 0700, when it opened.  I made my way to the main road to wait the bus to Nadi airport which was scheduled to go past at 0810.  It arrived more or less on time. On the way, we made a couple of unscheduled […]

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