Day 2: Red Point

Why another dive? Despite yesterday’s disappointing dive, I chose to do another dive today.  It was an easy way to kill lots of waiting time: Checkout is at 1000 and my ferry is at 1730 back to Mahe for a 2355 flight to Singapore (via Dubai and Colombo). It’s a little touch and go to […]

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Can I yawn while diving?

I got picked up on time at 0830 by a French-speaking Swiss watch-engineer who is now the owner-operator of Octopus Divers. I was surprised to hear that he had been to Kuala Lumpur with his work, in relation to the manufacture of components that go into Swiss watches! Oohlala! After the usual paper work was […]

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Day 1: Channel Rocks

Diving at Channel Rocks Like most of the customers at Octopus Divers (more details about them below), I did one dive today.  I was picked up at 0830 and taken to their dive centre on the opposite side of the island. Unfortunately the dive at Channel Rocks was a disappointment.  Descending into the water, it felt […]

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Big butts galore

I checked out soon after breakfast and walked to the ferry for the 20 min ride to Praslin where I continued to the Beach Villa Guesthouse by taxi. True to its name, is beachfront but not on the best beach (as it receives a bit of seaweed). Time to explore options for spending my remaining […]

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Snorkelling trip, not!

Last night we had horrendous weather. The wind was so strong; I woke to dry ground so I guess it was the wind that was making all that noise and there was no rain. It looked nice enough to go snorkelling so after breakfast I went down to the only shop that was open for […]

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All churned up to La Digue

Today I move from Mahe to the little island of La Digue by ferry, changing ferries (half hour connection) at Praslin. The first ride of an hour seemed like an eternity as it was a stomach-churning ride; the second was less than half hour and was marginally better. La Digue was immediately likeable. Walking off […]

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Mahe and Victoria

After breakfast, I bused into Victoria, the capital of Seychelles. It is a tidy quaint little town. As I propose to bus in tomorrow with my luggage for the ferry terminal, I checked out the route and distance first. It took 15 minutes and I’ll save a considerable amount as taxis in Seychelles are hyper […]

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Arriving in the Seychelles

Above:  View from my guesthouse of Beau Vallon bay. The flight left Dubai at an obscene time of 0205 after my 11 hour transit. The flying time was just over four hours and we an arrival at Seychelles’ Mahe Island around 0630. I don’t know how Emirates can get their seating so wrong so often. […]

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Thoughts on leaving Pakistan

Leaving Karachi With a windowless room in Karachi, I woke up around 0800 instead of my usual 0500! I had less than an hour to check-out and get to the airport.  Marie and I made our separate ways to the airport. At check-in Emirates requested that I pay a top-up to the departure tax; I […]

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Long day for a short flight

Above:  Breakfast in Peshawar of mango, yoghurt, omelette and toast.  Leaving Peshawar Today was meant to be an easy day with just a two hour flight. I got to the airport mid-morning, a bit earlier than planned (it was getting hot in the room due to another power cut). Security was very tight and I […]

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