To the deep south

Kim has a former teaching colleague, Peter, that moved down to Stewart Island many years ago.  We had talked about visiting but it hadn’t happened … until now. We flew from Auckland to Invercargill (via Christchurch) and waited for what was meant to be three hours for our 20-minute flight from Invercargill to Stewart Island.  […]

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Another disrupted flight

On the return train journey back into Dunedin, Air New Zealand rang to say that our flight had been delayed. The first leg to Christchurch was delayed and we’d miss our connection to Auckland.  The kindly rebooked us on an earlier flight non-stop to Auckland. We hopped of the train near Mosgiel, which was closer […]

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The Taieri Gorge Railway

We left the hostel and ate nearby before walking to Dunedin’s Railway Station. The rail journey to Middlemarch took 2h30.  For most people, the journey was the destination as the route took us through rugged gorges, impressive viaducts, clear rivers and green pastures.  But some people opted for a one-way journey so they could mountain-bike […]

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Edinburgh of the South

Today we flew down to Dunedin … Edinburgh of the South, as it is New Zealand’s most Scottish city. As we approached the town centre, the shuttle driver told us that the railway station was the second most photographed building in the world!  Hhmmm! So, it is more photographed than the Taj Mahal, Eiffel Tower […]

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Home again

We flew back from Nelson to Auckland in the evening.  Home for another month before our next domestic exploration in autumn.

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With an evening flight back to Auckland, we had a lazy day and went out briefly to the Riwaka Resurgence.  That’s where the Riwaka River comes out from under the ground.  Beautiful clear water but I think it would be too cold for me.  

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Sea-kayaking despite a tsunami warning

We woke early and rang the kayaking company.  It’s still all on, regardless of the tsunami warning … we later understood that Civil Defence’s expectations was that it would affect the North Island more (the TV showed some surges in Northland when we went back at the end of the day). We had booked the […]

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A sad day for Japan

Sea kayaking is something I’ve always wanted to try out … well, not quite always … since I saw the beautiful green waters of the Abel Tasman National Park. We flew down to Nelson in the evening and drove to Motueka where we stayed with family friends. We arrived to hear about the big earthquake […]

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Making Nyonya Achar Timun

A traditional pickle that is very labour intensive … took me five f’ing hours to make these two f’ing jars. 3… Posted by Alex Chan on Monday, March 7, 2011

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Back home

It was just an overnight trip for the music, art deco architecture, classic cars and unexpectedly, a swim with sharks.  My flight back to Auckland was uneventful unlike the outbound journey!

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