Out of body experience

Visit to the Posh Hospital I went to the doctor today to have my cold looked at … I was cycling through various symptoms for the last 3 weeks plus … caught it in Hong Kong when Kim and I were there.  I felt it was affecting my chest and ears.  I can’t let it get […]

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Back to the big city

Above:  I was surprised my guesthouse provided a peluk, gulung or bolster.  It’s a cuddle pillow. Leaving Berastagi I woke to a dry morning, thinking that it would be OK for me to attempt climbing the volcano Sibayak. Popping out, I couldn’t see the two nearby volcanoes. The whole sky was grey. I thought, if […]

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Arriving in “Medan Junior”

Above: This picture of Berastagi makes it look quite nice. And it was taken when dry … without all that mud. Today I took a 3.5 hour shared taxi-ride to the town of Berastagi, also in the highlands. The surrounding area is very fertile and they grow lots of cabbage, carrots and other vegetables. Unfortunately […]

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I plucked up the courage to ask

I woke and found the guesthouse reception and restaurant closed. On the street, it seemed rather quiet. Shops that were open were unattended. Then I realised it was Sunday and most people were either at church or recovering from the night before. It’s hard to imagine that Samosir island some decades ago was home to […]

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Motorcycle Diaries

I had planned on cycling to various sights around the island but it seemed a lot easier to go on a motorbike with Alfred (my German taxi-mate from Medan, and now neighbour in the guesthouse). It turned out to be a seven hour jouney with three coffee stops and a sightseeing stop too. We circumabulated […]

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Travelling to Tuk Tuk

Good morning Medan.  As it was raining,  I opted for the easy solution to my transport requirements.  The hardy solution would have involved crossing the busy street using the overhead bridge with my pack, to either the taxi company … or to catch a minivan to the long distance bus station. Thanks to some guy […]

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Praise God!

After a morning in the very nice Penang museum, I had lunch with an old flatmate from my Wellington days.  It was very nice to catch up over a delicious lunch. I took an evening flight at 1835 across the Straits of Malacca to land at Polonia Airport (you’d think it was in Poland) at […]

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Exploring the daylight-saving state

Around Old Georgetown Penang is nearly the western-most state of Malaysia.  So with the whole country in one timezone, the sun rises late and sets late too.  Just like daylight-saving time in some parts of the world.  Perfect for early morning exploration and also sightseeing at dusk. I started early by taking the free bus […]

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Moving on the the cuisine capital

Today, I took a very cheap 2 hour flight from Kuching to Penang, departing at 1220.  My 1day/2night stay there would be the first of three stays as I use the island as a hub for other travel … thanks to cheap airfares and cheap accommodation (at the Tune Hotel, costing quarter cent Euro per […]

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Sarawak’s oldest Hindu temple

I got invited by a friend Rashidah to join her extended family for a little hike on Gunung Serapi which locals also refer to as the Matang mountain. It was news to me that the short sweaty hike would take us to Sarawak’s oldest Hindu temple.  A temple was supposed to have been built here […]

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