Eating on AirAsia

  Airplane food is bad right? Think again. AirAsia has demonstrated that the tastiest cuisines can be packaged and… Posted by Alex Chan on Friday, October 23, 2009

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Back to the Big Smoke

We arrived at Kuala Lumpur, the Big Smoke, on AirAsia departing at 1955.  During the flight, I was standing in the front of the cabin waiting for the loo … so I looked back and saw two of the flight attendants doing the sale of merchandise (t-shirts, caps, toys etc). One crew member was helping […]

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Oh the humidity!

The sun rises very early in Makassar, not quite as bad as in Manado but it is still very bright at five something.  We had decided on an early start to beat the heat. Out the door at 0800, it wasn’t too hot yet. But within minutes we were drenched from the humidity.  We went […]

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End of an adventure

We took the bus back down to Makassar today.  It was meant to be 8 hours but it took 9h40 … allowing for one flat tyre, comfort stops and picking up passengers. This is the end of my Tana Toraja adventure.  It is one of the most interesting trips I’ve ever done.  Normally everything of […]

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Market day

Pasar Bolu The market in Bolu (near Rantepao) isn’t a weekly affair … but occurs every six days.  We were lucky to catch it despite our short stay of only three full days. In summary, people bring their buffaloes and pigs here so other people can come make their purchases: The buffalo section is essentially […]

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Cliff, cave, baby and boulder graves

Above:  The newly prepared grave took over 2 years to carve out manually. Cliff graves at Suaya We started the day visiting Suaya which had a cliff-face filled with effigies similar to yesterday’s at Lemo.  We learnt that the ones here are original whereas those at Lemo had been replaced after being pillaged. Text continues […]

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Insights into Toraja life

Above:  Cryptic signs showing the availability of dog meat. Driving through the towns and countryside our guide and pointed out shops which sold dog meat.  These are indicated rather discreetly by way of cryptic signs and codes, eg. “Ada” (meaning “Have” or “Available”) or red plastic bag hanging on a stick. I found the level […]

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A funeral and hanging graves

Background Tana Toraja (or Toraja Land)  is famous for the traditional burial ceremonies amongst its Christian population. When people die, they’re preserved (formerly using balsam but now with formalin) then kept at home for up to a few years while funds are accumulated for an elaborate ceremony or while relatives are brought together for the […]

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Long day on the bus to Toraja

Above:  Very spacious seating but the air-con wasn’t working properly. After a leisurely morning we departed Makassar on a bus journey to Rantepao.  The scheduled departure was 1300 and the supposed journey time 8 hours. After a small delay due to air-con failure and a few other mechanical problems we arrived 11h15 later … at […]

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Let’s sponsor a mass circumcision

Above: Photos found on internet showing Lionair crew playing with the crash axe. Today we flew Lionair (not Ryanair) from the somewhat Christian city of Manado to the more Muslim city of Makassar (or Ujung Pandang) arriving at the beautiful new Sultan Hasanuddin airport. Now for some amusing facts, factoids or urban myths about Lionair: […]

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