Fremantle and friends

With the 5 hour time difference between Auckland and Perth I was out of the hostel at 7am and caught up with a friend Carla for a juice at 8:15!  With a bit of wandering around to follow, I checked out of the hostel by the required time of 10am and spent most of the […]

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Feeling young once more

As a solo traveller in Perth, I had to relive my youth at the backpackers, specifically one called 1201 East. It was too expensive for me to stay in a hotel, being just one person.  It was good to know that I can still feel at home in shared accommodation with shared facilities. It will […]

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Leaving home

I left for Perth on my own today as Kim was staying behind for another day to ensure his mother was well enough before joining me.  It was a pleasant daylight flight leaving at 1425 and arriving at 1710.

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Arrive home

Despite some murmurs of aircraft weight issues, I managed to get on my standby flight home to Auckland.  With the International Deadline, I arrived two days later.

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Taking a walk on the wild side (Warning: Graphic narrative)

It is the last Sunday in September and that means it is Folsom Street Fair … the biggest gay event in San Francisco, especially for those into leather, fur (not of animal origin but on chubby human) and bondage/discipline. It seems to have evolved and there were many women and heterosexual couples dressed up (or […]

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Castro but not Cuba

Above:   I couldn’t believe my eyes. We shifted into a hotel within San Fran itself today … all part of the plan to be more accessible to everything after a night of luxury.  We grabbed lunch with a friend of Kim’s who was living near the Castro area (nothing to do with Cuban leader). Tomorrow […]

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Bad news from home

As it wasn’t going to be a long drive today, we spent the morning shopping in Monterey.  Many of the stores are the same nationwide and they offer the same good value and quality not found anywhere else in the world.  This is a very blessed country in many ways. We checked into the very […]

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Hearst Castle

We explored the San Luis Obispo area briefly this morning before heading up the Pacific Coast Highway to do a sight we had previously missed out due to lack of time.  This was the Hearst Castle which is located about halfway between LA and San Fran. We had previously done most of the attractions in Monterey and […]

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Driving up the PCH

After a slow start, we caught up with a crew friend who was overnighting in LA.  In the early afternoon we headed up the Pacific Coast Highway bound for San Luis Obispo for our nightstop. Much of the route wasn’t new so we didn’t do all the scenic stops … only a comfort stop at Santa Barbara […]

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Around the world in 80 trades

I flew out of Charles de Gaulle for Heathrow today, to meet up with Kim before boarding our flight together to Los Angeles. While I’m not usually a movie person on flights, I watched 5 TV programmes this time. Four of these were episodes of “Around the world in 80 trades”.  This follows the journey […]

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