Chinese inches

Above:  Chinese inches (upper tape) vs Imperial inches (lower tape). My life in Kuching is somewhat lacking in excitement.  I go to the gym and run errands in the form of mainly grocery shopping.  While the swimming pools have just been allowed to open, they haven’t sorted out their Covid-19 controls yet.  Not sure if […]

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Show me the way to go home

Last night, as I was finalising my arrangements for diving in Sipadan, an email came through from Malaysia Airlines advising that my return flight home to New Zealand had been cancelled.  Arrggghhh!  With Covid-19, flight cancellation are rife and this was a risk that I had been wary of.  But I needed to be with […]

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The real world

This stay in Kuching for 2-3 months will be the longest stretch I’ve ever spent in hometown since leaving some 35 years ago.  I thought I’d better get into an exercise routine that includes more than just yoga and swimming.  I thought I’d go to the gym as well, as I normally do in Auckland. After […]

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Sweet taste of freedom

Above:  Dinner of Nasi Uduk with Ayam Serunding. I had my last hotel meal this morning after my yoga practice.  I didn’t finish the fried beehoon as it was too much for me, as with most of their breakfasts. A few minutes before 1000 today, I walked out of Room 1109 of the Harbour View […]

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False hope

Above:  Day 12 & 13 quarantine hotel food. After yoga and breakfast today, I rang down to the hotel reception to confirm that I was leaving tomorrow.  Having arrived on a Sunday, I should check out on a Sunday two week later.  There have been reports of people leaving a day earlier, so it seemed […]

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Food update

All going well, I have four more sleeps until I’m released.  From the Facebook support group, some people get released after 13 nights (14 days) whereas it is typically 14 nights (15 days). I thought I’d give an update on the food situation.  It hasn’t been too bad if you accept that the meals are […]

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Making progress

Big Day Out Today, being Day 10, I had my second swab at the hotel (third if you count the one at Kuala Lumpur International Airport).  I was called down to the function room around 1000.  It was my big day out, my second time outside of my hotel room in my whole stay so […]

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Temperature checks

Above:  These are the only people I see each day during my 2 week quarantine. They take my temperature daily. I have my temperature taken daily at the hotel around 1000.  [Edit: except for the two days when I go for my swab.]   This is done by two people dressed up in hazmat suits; one […]

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Booking flights

With Covid-19 I haven’t been making many new travel arrangements.  Instead time was spent checking for cancellations by airlines for existing bookings and requesting refunds. For my long stay in Kuching, I had planned on making a diving trip to Sipadan.  It was going to be towards the end of my stay in Kuching, so […]

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Quarantine food

Food in quarantine was variable.  Sometimes it was tasty.  Often the fish or chicken is too boney for someone who has lived in the west too long.  And there’s lots of carbo and not enough meat or vege compared to what I’m used too.  I’ve seen better fare on Facebook from people put up at […]

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