Cradle of Western Civilisation

After breakfast and an early sandwich, I lined up for the 1110 ferry back to Piraeus.  This time it was a huge catamaran with 15 seats across and 4 aisles.  The journey was a tad faster taking about 1h10.  I found my way to the metro station with some help.  While it wasn’t exactly difficult, […]

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Lazing in Hydra

With the time difference I woke around 0430.  I thought I would be able to sleep in till later due to having missed a night’s sleep.  But no.  I was out the door around 0700 for a walk.  I spent the day inside and outside having a chilled day. I had breakfast of fruit and […]

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Scooting to Athens My Scoot flight with a fare for SGD250 including tax and fees, from Singapore to Athens pushed off on time.  Scoot doesn’t allow wearing of earphones during taxi, take-off or landing.  They don’t seem to have compromised on safety in terms of passengers being able to hear commands during emergency.  Other airlines […]

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Dutch Old Town

I woke early today, kinda as a result from previous days’ sleep pattern.  I tried to skip a big breakfast and made do with a coffee and a bun before Grab’ing to Tawang station for my exploration of its Dutch Old Town around 0800. In general Indonesia doesn’t revere its colonial heritage, including architecture. And […]

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Onwards to Java

My new flight on Wings Air required an early wake up at 0515 for a 0730 flight to cross the water to Semarang in Java (via Pangkalan Bun).  The driver, booked for 0600 was early for the short ride to the airport.  I chatted with him and he told me about the Sampit Conflict, which […]

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Ethnic cleansing in Borneo

Escaping the Kiwi winter in 2020 I woke earlier than I needed to.  AirAsia had a sale but I hadn’t prepared myself for it.  But I had this rough idea of using my free Air New Zealand ticket from Auckland to Seoul, then Buenos Aires to Auckland.  The idea was that from Seoul I can […]

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Day 3 of Klotok Trip

I woke several times through the night and but I cope quite well with little or interrupted sleep.  We set off for the our return journey after breakfast.  Our itinerary says that we just go straight to port in the morning but Ita said we had a village visit. Not long after we started, we […]

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Day 2 of Klotok Trip

Feeding at Pondok Tanggui We set off at 0830 after breakfast  for the 0900 feeding session at Pondok Tanggui.  It took about 45 mins before a mum and a baby orang utan showed up.  She was rather shy, taking some food and then retreating up to the branches above. Back on the klotok, we started […]

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Day 1 of Klotok Trip

All aboard! Last night, en route, I had messaged our boat organiser Dian to delay our pickup from 0900 to 1000.   He messaged us to say that he would be at our hotel at 0930 but there would be no rush.  We had breakfast at the hotel before readying ourselves for our 3d/2n klotok adventure […]

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The long road trip

Today we have a very long road trip by truffle from Pontianak to Pangkalan Bun, instead of two easy flights or a bus, both of which were cancelled.  With the truffle, we had an 0900 departure which allowed a leisurely buffet breakfast at Ibis. According to Google Maps, the road trip should take about 12h […]

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