Fixing plans gone bad

Flying to Kalimantan Natalia and I had an 1145 flight from Kuching to Pontianak.  The international side of Kuching airport doesn’t have many facilities to hang out in, so there’s no point to get to the airport too early.  But with post-Raya congestion a possibility we decided to allow ourselves 2 hours plus plenty of […]

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Changi’s Jewel

Leaving Semarang I needed to sleep in today to adjust to Athens time in preparation.  But the pre-dawn prayers around 0400 woke  me up.  Strange I didn’t hear them yesterday.  I managed to sleep in till around 0800 with the curtains tightly drawn. I had a light breakfast of fruit and muesli, and did plenty […]

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Old town Kuching

This morning, I took Natalia to town to continue her walking tour of Kuching Old Town .  It was basically the Carpenter Street, Tua Pek Kong and Main Bazaar area. In the afternoon,  she continued with a visit to the Brooke Gallery while I had a swim at a nearby public pool.  From what I’ve […]

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Cultural Village

Because Natalia is part-Indonesian, I thought it would be good for her to get to know Bornean culture.  After all, most of Borneo is in Indonesia.  So we headed to the Sarawak Cultural Village at Damai. The place was a mess as it was undergoing renovations.  There was a temporary entrance and the usual walkways […]

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Raya & Night Market

Natalia, my friend from Yemen study days, arrived last night.  We didn’t have any commitments for the day except one Raya visit around noon. But as we had some time, we squeezed in a visit to the Darul Hana bridge and a walk along India Street in Kuching’s Old Town.  We returned to freshen up […]

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Raya Visit

Today is the second of Syawal according to the Islamic calendar.  I have my first Hari Raya Puasa (Eid ul Fitr) visit to a friend today.  Some of my Muslim friends are away this year so it is rather quiet.  Normally it is a time for me to catch them all as they return from […]

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Family time

With my Malindo flight from Kuala Lumpur to Kuching at 1705, I had a bit of time to kill.  After some muesli in my room, I went for walk and ride in the public transport before returning to rest.  I checked out before the 1200 limit and took the bus to the airport. Even though […]

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Short hop, long day

Short flight south I left my Eagleye around 0730 allowing plenty of time to return the rental car and check-in.  There were small delays for the return as the Europcar staff had to walk from their office to the airport, and then also for the flight to Kuala Lumpur. Langkawi Airport had a lounge I […]

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Burn out

Having packed so much into the last two days, I was worn out this morning.  Burnt out on Day 6 of my travels already?  With the dull weather I felt justified to stay in and have a leisurely breakfast of muesli, yoghurt and mango.  This was followed by another lie in. I finally left the […]

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Island Hopping and Sky Bridge

Above: Pulau Beras Basah. Island Hopping I had to wake early today for the 0900 Island Hopping excursion departing from Teluk Baru on the far side of the island about 30 minutes drive away. I got to the jetty at 0830 when it was absolutely torrential.  I was going to throw away the MYR30 trip […]

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