Pulpit Rock cruise and hike

Pulpit Rock Cruise We had made some sandwiches to take along on our excursion to Pulpit Rock (Preikestolen). It was a 1000 departure.  The man on the pier didn’t check carefully that we were booked on the cruise-and-hike and I had to ask the next person regarding the ticket for the bus rides.  These were […]

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Rest day

While we needed only a day in Stavanger for what we wanted to do, I had a day of rest and in case of weather.  Following the weather forecast, we allowed today as the rest day and tomorrow (in anticipation of good weather) would be for going to Pulpit Rock. The town is nice enough, […]

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To Norway

Transport to the Schonefeld airport turned out as planned (despite the relative complexity compared to a normal day when a non-stop or one-stop service was available).  The 0549 bus connected well to the suburban train which delivered us to the airport around 0715 for our 0910 Norwegian flight to Stavanger.  It was cool in Berlin […]

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Team Sudan reunion

While I’m not much of a museum person, I really wanted to go the Pergamon Museum on Museum Island (which is home to several).  I had tried pre-booking but there were only afternoon slots left and that didn’t suit me.  So we turned up early to avoid the queues. Getting there at 0940, there was […]

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Around Berlin

I woke at 0730 and wandered to the nearest supermarket which was inside the station.  I got some soya milk (in case my tummy didn’t like dairy in its current state) to go on my muesli.  We had a 1000 free walking tour booked from Brandenburg gate.  Armed with an all-day Zone AB ticket (EUR7) […]

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From Palermo to Catania to Berlin

Above:  Palermo Cathedral. Laundry day After a really bad night sleep (4 hours) of going to the loo with some diarrhoea, I thought it would be good to take another loperamide capsule (in addition to the one through the night).  I was less bloated after 6 days but confidence was down, not knowing when I […]

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Exploring Palermo

We had the day to explore the sights of Palermo.  First up was the Catacomb of the Capuchins.  A couple of wrong turns made the short drive into a long one (distance-wise but not too bad time-wise as it was largely on highway). Arriving at the Catacomb, we had someone ask for protection money for […]

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Shifting to the north of Sicily

Today we change sides, moving from Catania in the east of Sicily to Palermo in the northwest.  It was a better way of exploring the further parts of the island and Palermo without having to return to do a long trip. It was my fourth day of feeling bloated but life goes on, on the […]

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Beach day

My bloatedness seems to be continuing (third day). But today I also felt drained. But we went out anyway, driving northwards past Taormina. We ended up in the beach area of Santa Teresa di Riva, a stretch with nice smooth stones. The water was as clear as southern Albania. We stopped for a coffee before […]

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Explorations from Catania

We allowed ourselves to wake up without alarm today. With the shutters closed, it was a late wake-up and breakfast. We left after 1000 for a drive down to Siracusa where we walked to its historic centre Ortygia. Ortygia had at its heart an old Greek temple now used as its Cathedral.  Apart from that […]

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