Beach day

I woke around 0630 and was planning my stay by 0700.  Ii worked through options for doing excursions by bus to see if it was feasible, otherwise I’d look at renting a car.  I had hoped to make a trip to the centre of the island, Tejeda.  This proved too difficult with infrequent buses. Stuffing […]

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Island time

I had trouble getting to sleep last night. With only some natural light and a one hour time change to the east, I woke up relatively late around 0800. I wasn’t hungry and delayed breakfast till around 1000 popping down to Pans & Company for a sandwich and coffee. Check-out for Hotel Pelayo was 1100 […]

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Another one night stand

Arriving at Barcelona, the beautiful airport was stuffy and the walk quite long (now that I’m using a backpack instead of a wheelie). The bus to the city took about 40 minutes with some traffic. With a one hour time difference flying to the east, it was a bit late. I got some milk and […]

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Morning of sightseeing in Lisbon

Exploring Lisbon I was up and out the door at 0730 for a wander down to Praca Comercio and the surrounding district inland, doing a loop taking in large city block and a few squares. It was an ugly start from my area and the bar patrons had littered the street with lots of plastic […]

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Overnight connection

Above: Street scene in Algiers before I fly out to Lisbon.   Making the most of my Algiers stay After an early breakfast I wanted to make the most of my short stay in Algiers and go to the casbah again. I took the metro as far as I could. I forgot that there was only […]

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Sightseeing fail

Today I gave my best shot in going to Tipaza, the Roman ruins about 1.5h out of town. I had trouble finding the bus station based on what I read in my guidebook and the internet. One of the bus stations is now a park. By about 0900 I had given up and elected to […]

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Because I can

Flying from Antalya to Algiers The meal was good as usual on Turkish. The 4h flight went quickly and we descended a little early, passing lights from a huge stretch of urban area before landing at Algiers about 20 minutes ahead of schedule at 0150. I appeared to be the only foreigner at the immigration […]

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Resting up before the night flight

I had a flight from Antalya to Algiers at 2350. I wanted to do “everything” that I wanted before it got too hot, then rest before the night flight. It seemed the right idea to go for a walk while it was still cool, before breakfast. I wandered into the old city. There was nothing […]

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Back on Terra Firma

Above:  Antalya eateries in the evening. Most on board had had a bad night sleep but I was OK. I woke around 0700 and breakfast was served at 0800. We had a last swim in Gokkaya Bay before doing a short hop to Demre harbour around 1000. Our arrival was much earlier than expected as […]

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Blue Cruise Day 3

Last night felt warmer even though I had slept in the open, under the stars (as opposed to under the canopy). I didn’t use a blanket unlike the first night. Perhaps I felt warmer because of the dew condensing on me, making me feel all humid. After breakfast around 0800, we swam for quite a […]

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