
Articles from this Category

Meeting a friend in Brancaster

Before I left Kuching, I thought I’d make plans to catch up with a friend Laurence in nearby Cambridge, as I had been unsuccessful on previous visits. Then I remembered that he had moved to Doha. I messaged him about my booboo and he replied that he would actually be back here, arriving on the […]

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Team Java reunion in Cambridge

We had overnighted in Norwich last night after the wedding party. A full buffet English breakfast was served at 0800. We left around 1000 back to Downham Market for a brief stop before continuing to Cambridge to meet Jerome and Floriane, whom I travelled with in Java a few years ago. Unfortunately we couldn’t time […]

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My nephew’s wedding

Today we drove to Norwich to attend the wedding of my nephew Paul to his lovely bride Stevee. After the ceremony, we had a BBQ dinner. After that, there was time for us to mingle in the yard of the hotel where there was a pond with geese and swans. I saw the staff prepare […]

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Exploring the Norfolk area

We had today spare, so we took a road trip for half a day. Poh Hui and Hilda joined us. Along the way, we couldn’t help noticing the number of dead birds on the road and road side (and later in parks as well). Road kill? First stop was Castle Rising Castle where we were […]

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Arriving to a sad black day in world history

Above:  Nice upgraded car, considering we booked a Ford Focus. Immigration at Heathrow was superfast for a 0550 arrival. The Premier Lane invitation for Business Class passengers was quite unnecessary. I was at the kerbside by 0620. Kim picked me up at the departures level (illegally) as there wasn’t really a pickup area unless one […]

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On a friend’s farm

An old classmate runs a farm outside of Kuching, near the Wind Cave and Fairy Cave.  He had organised a gathering of old friends so that us city folks could enjoy a touch of the Borneo outdoors.  We had a picnic by the stream and some of us finished the day with dinner at Siniawan […]

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Flying to KLIA2

Last little bit of sightseeing in Makassar With the 1h time difference between Ambon/Papua and Makassar, I woke up early. With two half-days in Makassar, I wanted to make the most of my sightseeing opportunities to catch sights that I didn’t get to do few years back.I was out the door soon after 0700 to […]

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Old Gowa (not Goa)

The hotel doorman knocked on my door at 0545 to wake me up even though I hadn’t organised a wake-up call. He knew my car had been organised for 0615 so did me a courtesy. Then he dragged me into the dining room for breakfast which wasn’t meant to be ready till 0700 but had […]

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Exploring Ambon

This morning I explored one of the cafes which make up Ambon’s cafe scene that’s not seen elsewhere in the country. At the Sibu Sibu cafe, I downed a delicious milky ginger coffee with some local cakes. Ambon is famous for having a disproportionate share of good singers in the Indonesian music scene, and their […]

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Leaving Papua & parting thoughts

Leaving Papua Today I’m leaving Papua after 21 days, going to Ambon. It was a relaxed morning before checking out at 1200 and going to the airport for a departure at 1405. I spent most of the morning in the room of the Rumberpon Hotel till checkout and went to the airport nearby. I was […]

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