
Articles from this Category

Around Mysore and back to Bangalore

I took a walk around Mysore’s Devaraja market this morning before breakfast. Many shops were still closed; only the florists, fruit and veges were out. It was very colourful but it didn’t take long. So it was back to the hotel for breakfast even though I was still bloated. After breakfast I had my first […]

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Mysore Palace (sounds painful)

Getting to Mysore I tried feeding myself a bit more during breakfast in case the journey to Mysore took longer than expected and there wasn’t decent grub along the way. Trouble was I had been feeling bloated for the last day or two so I didn’t end up eating too much. A search on the […]

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Tiger organ but not as you know it

Tipu Sultan’s Palace The day started off drizzly and remained so until late afternoon. Not the best for the sightseeing which I had planned. I took a tuktuk to the Tipu Sultan’s Palace, modest building from the 1700s which look more like a pavilion with a mezzanine floor. On the outside, it hardly had any […]

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Back on the mainland

It was very difficult to say goodbye to the Gilis. While it wasn’t the real rough-and-tumble Indonesia that I also love, I love the Gilis for the diving, eating and laid-back atmosphere. I checked out about 1000 and got to the boat ticket office to find that I had just missed the last seat, so […]

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Visiting the neighbours

Above:  Beautiful Gili Meno. This is the day off that I had earned. Actually, the whole time here was meant to be for chilling but I ended up doing my Advanced dive certification instead! Absolutely no regrets as I enjoyed all the dives. “My” island of Gili Trawangan is the most touristy of the three […]

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Advanced Certification Day 3: Wreck Dive & Fish Identification

Wreck Dive It was back to the Bounty Wreck for this dive; the same place as where I had done my night dive.  In daylight, I could appreciate the good coral growth.  The marine life included mantis shrimp, trumpet fish, orange spine unicorn fish, Andaman sweet lips, rabbit fish and again Moorish idols. The skill […]

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Advanced Certification Day 2: Deep Dive & Navigation

Deep Dive This was undertaken at a site called Deep Turbo.  The maximum depth we went down to was 25m.  I had to do this for the certification but it was actually nothing new.  Many dive masters take divers with Open Water certification up to this depth when they’re not supposed to. The coral was […]

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Advanced Certification Day 1: Night Dive

Change of Plan Having travelled from Timor Leste through to West Timor, and been roughing it, I just wanted to relax and do a little diving.  I enquired about doing a couple of days diving with a few dive centres. Aquaddiction, they suggested that I do an SSI Advanced certification.  At first I wasn’t keen […]

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Cycling and Advanced Dive Certification

Biking around I rented a bike after breakfast and cycled around the island. It took an hour including having to wheel it where the roads disappeared into sandy stretches, and carrying where the roads had been washed away by the sea (in the north). Activity and business is largely concentrated on the east coast; within […]

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Paradise commercialised

After finishing off the last of my Australian-purchased muesli, I took a cab from the hotel to Bangsal where boats leave for the Gili islands. The hour-long metered ride cost about USD12 only, accompanied with lots of conversation with the Sasak driver. I always love how the Indonesians have the great art of conversation. Just […]

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