
Articles from this Category

Killing time and catching up with an old mate

It was a 0600 arrival into Hong Kong and that saw me reach downtown Nathan Road by around 0730. I’ve been let into hotels at this time before but luck wasn’t with me today. For a start, the hotel reception didn’t open till 0900 which meant that I had to go sit at McDonald’s with […]

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Homeward bound already

I was going to take the public bus into Apia today for a look-see before my night flight. I realised at breakfast that the owner was going to see the Prime Minister today to try get some funding for tsunami repairs required by the village. They offered me a ride for WST20 and dropped me […]

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To Sua Ocean Trench

Samoa is very Christian but perhaps not as much as Tonga. I was surprised to learn that dive shops are open as in Tonga, all activities come to a halt. As I had been to church before (in the islands), I didn’t go here. The singing is supposed to be very good. After breakfast, I […]

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We dived with Aquasamoa while on Upolu, Samoa. At that time, they were the only dive operator on the island as the other ones which we had read about appeared to have gone west. As with any dive outfit, the experience depends on who your dive master is on the day. We were very lucky. We […]

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Dive and chuck

We woke around 0700 and had breakfast of toast and fruit in the poolside garden. The Outrigger Hotel is an old but very well-kept place. It is somewhere we would come back to for another stay if we were to pass through Apia again. At 0815 we were collected by Aquasamoa for our dives back […]

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Bye-bye Tonga

There was enough time to catch a light breakfast at Friends Cafe (which turns out to be owned by an ex-colleague of Kim’s).  We headed to the airport around 0900 for our 1120 flight back to Auckland. On leaving Tonga, here’s my summary: It is probably my favourite Pacific Island so far. It is cheaper […]

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Back to the mainland

Above:  The King’s Palace in Nukualofa. Today we head back to Tongatapu on the 1535 flight.  The timing would allow us some activities (at a push) if we had been unsuccessful with whaleswim on the preceding days.  Since we had been rather lucky, we could do absolutely nothing but laze around the guesthouse then go […]

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Motorcycle diaries

Today is our “spare” day in case weather or other factors prevented us from achieving our whale-swim or dives.  Since everything had gone so well, we rented a scooter today to go sightseeing around the Vava’u.  Due to its odd octopus-like shape, we thought we could go to a few different arms of the island. […]

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Above:  With no underwater camera, all we can capture is a surface photo of the crystal-clear water. Diving in Vava’u was a bit of an afterthought after such an awesome day yesterday’s whale-swim where we got really close-up to three humpback whales.  We toyed with the idea of doing more whale-swims.  But no one could take […]

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Crystal-clear dives

Above:  With no underwater camera, all we can capture is a surface photo of the crystal-clear water. We toyed with the idea of doing more whale-swims.  But no one could take us; they’re all full.  It’s probably better that way as our companions told us our experience yesterday was unbeatable compared to the other days […]

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