
Articles from this Category

Back on the mainland

I had set the alarm for 0645.  After a quick wash I left the hotel.  It was cloudy.  The north side of Gran Canaria is often cloudy, windy and a bit cooler than the south.  But it’s not all bad as it does make a pleasant change in summer. There was a short wait for […]

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Visit to the centre of the island

I had looked into doing a trip to Tejeda in the central highlands of the island.  It proved too difficult by bus from Playa del Ingles and it was only marginally easier from Las Palmas.  Apart from the long travel time (about 2h), frequences were limited. After breakfast on the roof at 0900 (when it […]

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Changing sides

Yesterday was a non-event day by the pool of another hotel which I had paid to go to.  I had skipped lunch but treated myself to a chop-suey at a Chinese resto.  But today would be a day on the move.  Firstly changing to the other side of Gran Canaria followed by going to an […]

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Beach day

I woke around 0630 and was planning my stay by 0700.  Ii worked through options for doing excursions by bus to see if it was feasible, otherwise I’d look at renting a car.  I had hoped to make a trip to the centre of the island, Tejeda.  This proved too difficult with infrequent buses. Stuffing […]

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Island time

I had trouble getting to sleep last night. With only some natural light and a one hour time change to the east, I woke up relatively late around 0800. I wasn’t hungry and delayed breakfast till around 1000 popping down to Pans & Company for a sandwich and coffee. Check-out for Hotel Pelayo was 1100 […]

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Morning of sightseeing in Lisbon

Exploring Lisbon I was up and out the door at 0730 for a wander down to Praca Comercio and the surrounding district inland, doing a loop taking in large city block and a few squares. It was an ugly start from my area and the bar patrons had littered the street with lots of plastic […]

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Overnight connection

Above: Street scene in Algiers before I fly out to Lisbon.   Making the most of my Algiers stay After an early breakfast I wanted to make the most of my short stay in Algiers and go to the casbah again. I took the metro as far as I could. I forgot that there was only […]

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Sightseeing fail

Today I gave my best shot in going to Tipaza, the Roman ruins about 1.5h out of town. I had trouble finding the bus station based on what I read in my guidebook and the internet. One of the bus stations is now a park. By about 0900 I had given up and elected to […]

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Because I can

Flying from Antalya to Algiers The meal was good as usual on Turkish. The 4h flight went quickly and we descended a little early, passing lights from a huge stretch of urban area before landing at Algiers about 20 minutes ahead of schedule at 0150. I appeared to be the only foreigner at the immigration […]

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Resting up before the night flight

I had a flight from Antalya to Algiers at 2350. I wanted to do “everything” that I wanted before it got too hot, then rest before the night flight. It seemed the right idea to go for a walk while it was still cool, before breakfast. I wandered into the old city. There was nothing […]

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