
Articles from this Category

In a car accident

Today I fly to Phuket for over a week of hopefully doing very little.  It all started with an online promo for a 4-star hotel going at NZD99 for 2 pax, 1 week including breakfast and dinners.  The catch is that we need to attend a timeshare presentation for 90 minutes (and it is low/wet […]

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To the breakaway republic

Today I flew to Singapore (which I jokingly call the breakaway republic for historical reasons).  It was a cheap way to get to Phuket and actually costs about the same as transiting in Kuala Lumpur. It is less efficient in terms of time but I get to spend some time with my aunt. Singapore culture […]

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End of my Circle Borneo sub-trip

I woke early again and set off around 0730 after breakfast.  I have big day in front of me getting from Kudat to Kuching by road and flight. First up was the drive from the Tip to Kota Kinabalu took about 3h15 this time to Inanam and a further 40 minutes to the airport. So, basically, […]

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Tip of Borneo

I woke around 0600 to an overcast morning. The sun does rise early here being in the far east of the time zone but it wasn’t so apparent. I had breakfast after 0700 which was way before the official start time of 0800. The tide seemed quite right for swimming but I didn’t want to […]

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Leaving Kalimantan for Sabah

This was my latest wake-up since leaving Auckland over three weeks ago. I woke at 0700 after retiring after midnight. Quite a change from the 2030 bedtime and 0330 wakeups I have been having in order to catch early flights etc and then it just continued. Today I leave Kalimantan after two weeks, flying to […]

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My last stop in Kalimantan

I woke relatively late today at 0600 and had breakfast at 0630. It was a good spread at Palmy Hotel for brekkie. They offered a free shuttle to Berau’s flash new airport. The airport was decorated with Dayak motifs and nice sape music was streaming through.  I like how so much of Kalimanatan (except Banjarmasin) […]

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Derawan advice, and onwards to the coal mine

Derawan advice & summary The diving is awesome but come with a friend to share the cost of the boat to the best dive sites. One friend is adequate ‘cos with more people, you need a bigger boat and the price so it doesn’t really get cheaper. It is more of a local getaway and […]

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Getting going I arrived at the diveshop before 0830 and Doris was along shortly after. There was a short wait for the catering from next door before we set off on a small boat “Ferari” (sic) captained by a half-Chinese half-Bajau man (who didn’t look Chinese at all). It was very overcast, which is supposedly […]

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Diving with the awesome mantas at Sangalaki

I did two dives with Osland again, this time with a Chinese dive-buddy Doris.  We were so lucky and were treated with two mantas on our second dive.  You can read about our day here, along with plenty of pictures and a video.  

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Relax and admin

After breakfast at 0730, the tide was right for a swim. I quickly changed and went for a cool dip, lingering as much as possible to fill in the free day. I eventually came out of the water for fear of having had too much sun. After a quick shower, I checked the time. It […]

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