
Articles from this Category

Unplanned explorations

The plan for the day was not to have a plan, or as little of a plan as possible. After breakfast we walked over to St Charles St to catch the street car to Canal St. We bought a 24h pass for USD3 so that we could explore wherever took our fancy. Just because of […]

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Exploring the French Quarter

We had a light breakfast of oats, cup-mandarins and waffle at the guest house before setting o ff around 1000 to walk into the French Quarter. It took about 45 minutes through some nice houses in various states of disrepair and gentrification. Arriving into Bourbon St, I thought it was just sleazy. And that was […]

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Space Centre and then to New Orleans

Getting going We woke earlier today out of necessity and felt better for it. We ate lightly, finished packing and set off for the Houston (Johnson) Space Centre. It was about a 50 minute drive taking the outer ring road but Google Maps suggested that was the fastest way. We got there about 1000. The […]

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Nothing much of a day

We had a slow start. We set off by car late morning to the Hobby Aiport area where Kim said there was an aviation museum. He even had an address but when we go there, there was no museum. We had a light lunch at Taco Bell where we used to internet to find out […]

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Seeing family

Above:  With family in Brenham.   We woke after 0800 feeling awful despite having more than my usual hours of sleep. It was 0100 in New Zealand, which explained a lot. We swanned downstairs to have a reasonably good breakfast of oats (yes, kinda unprocessed food in USA!), toast and a waffle washed down with plenty […]

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To Kathmandu and flying off

Quite unusually, I didn’t get a good night sleep. For a start, being Friday night, the clubs were pounding out music and even though it wasn’t loud, it was enough to disturb me. Then it was a little milder tonight. My sleep was light and short, waking up at 0400. Perhaps it was the beer […]

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A day of disappointments

My days in Pokhara had been hazy so far. For that reason, I opted not to make the effort to go to Sarangkot to see the sunrise illuminating the Annapurna range. After breakfast, it was obvious I needed to fill in some time. I kinda thought it would be a waste of time/money going there, […]

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Shopping and a climb

I had allocated the morning for shopping and the afternoon for climbing up to the World Peace Pagoda. Nepal is heaven for buying old weather gear and active wear. I spent USD25 on replacing my Keens sandals which broke a couple of years ago, USD15 on a Under Armour compression top, USD15 on a Haglofs […]

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What I’ve come for specifically

I woke at 0600 when it was still cold and dark. Today is the day I receive my Christmas present from Kim to do parahawking. I kept warm in bed till 0700 before slowly emerging from the covers and eventually left the hotel at 0900 after breakfast. It was a 15 min walk to the […]

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Bus to Pokhara

I woke around 0415, an hour before my alarm. I lay in bed until the alarm, then packed up and headed down to reception around 0545. I had to find someone to let me out of the compound. The boy unlocked the gate and then led me through to the Black Olive (where I had […]

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